Active Advertising

Active Advertising Mobile

Mobile Coupons

The whole concept of couponing is changing worldwide with the advent of couponing online. Besides presenting a "Green" initiative, online couponing is a simple alternative to the old paper versions that need to be clipped out of a newspaper or circular. Many companies are turning to e-coupons, many of which come with barcodes that can be scanned directly from a mobile device.

Studies show that 67% of customers will "Like" a Facebook page to save 25% or more while another 17% will "tweet" or "re-tweet" a deal that presents a savings. Many consumers (28%) are now sharing deals over social media channels while others (12%) actively search for specials and deals using social media sites on their smartphones or mobile devices.

Synapsis Active Advertising Mobile can assist companies in presenting their special deals, offers and coupons on Social Media and related sites while helping to obtain the most optimal positioning and visibility on these sites.

Active Advertising Mobile offers:

Smartphone Apps

  • Ability to offer client's coupon alongside other similar "daily deals"
  • Intersection with opted-in phones


  • GPS/time-triggered coupons offered with specific hours
  • Group-triggered coupons geared toward an email list or specific numbers (Groupons)

Synapsis Active Advertising Mobile Couponing Synapsis Active Advertising Mobile Couponing Synapsis Active Advertising Mobile Couponing